Here’s a slightly old piece done at school. The assignment was pretty much a wax on, wax off project, Mr. Miyagi style. We had to repaint and repaint until we had an acceptable piece of art. So that, by the end of this semester, even if all our work was shit, we would have one dynamite painting.
This is the second time I try the pantented C.F. Payne painting method. It completely failed. Again. It seems to be too hard at the moment. I think it might have something to do with me not dealing with traditional paint all that well. At any rate, it would be fun to see what art historians would make of this in the future when they scan the layers of it. It is like the Inception of painting. Oils, inks, acrylics, matte medium and pencils all covered in gouache (it’s a miracle the paint managed to stick to the matte medium).
It turned out okay, though, or else it would never have been okayed.
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