søndag 4. november 2012

O' Traditional Painting, Why Art Thou So Hard?

I love traditional art. How it looks, the colors, the texture, everything. Often even more so than digital. Don't get me wrong, digital art is great and there are certainly times where that's the best way to go. Heck, I even only almost do digital art. And therein lies the problem. I would love to do more traditional art, but I'm not very good at it. Or I'm not as good as I should be, compared to my digital stuff. Painting traditionally is a struggle. My kryptonite.

However, I feel more and more determined to master one of those techniques one day, though I do not dare spending a project spanning a couple of weeks, demanding blood, sweat and tears to only flush it down the toilet with a rubbish paint job. So, my goal is to squeeze in some small practice paintings from time to time. Let's see how that goes.

Here follows some of my flukes. Those paintings that turned out nice.


Breaching Orca


Rembrandt Rip-Off (Master Study)

The Nubian Queen Recieves a Visitor



On the Trail

Love Bond

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